Traks Boys
Eita Godo
彼のソウルとグルーヴに深く根ざしたオールヴァイナルセットは、イングランド南部の海辺の街、ホヴのUptight Recordsでの8年に及ぶ勤務と、まだ見ぬ音楽への探求心によって培われている。
彼が主宰するGroove Anthologyは音楽とダンスを通じて人々をつなげるという彼の愛の結晶であり、多くの知られざる優れたDJをフックアップすることを目標としている。
この12ヶ月間、Kirollusはイギリス全土のフェスティバルへの出演や、イタリア、オランダをはじめとするヨーロッパの各地でのヘッドライニングを果たしたほか、ジュネーブではデトロイトのレジェンド・Marcellus PittmanとのダイナミックなB2Bを披露した。
また共演する国内勢はオルタナティブな活動で圧倒的な人気を誇るDK SOUND主宰のTRAKS BOYSの2人が揃って登場。そして過去にVENTでKEWLというパーティーを開催しFloating PointsやHunee、Mr.Gなどを招聘してきたEita Godo。2組もそれぞれバイナルオンリーで特別なセットを披露する。
さらにはナチュラルワインのPop Up Barとしてkokilikoがこの日のためにセレクションしたワインバーをオープンする。
The young UK DJ Kirollus, who uses records to fill the dancefloor all over the world with delights, makes his Japan debut.
The rise of social media and YouTube has made it easier to discover new artists, but it has also made it necessary to have “something” strong to truly attract audiences. Kirollus is one of those DJs whose music excites people’s interests around the world.
His style of spinning pure disco with all vinyl sets, which feels rather fresh these days, is filled with an overwhelming positive energy. And no matter which country's highlights you see, the dancefloor he would play is always full of smiling, dancing crowds with their hands in the air.
His eclectic all vinyl sets are deeply rooted in a soul and groove, nurtured during his 8 years tenure behind the counter at Uptight Records in Hove and an obsession with uncovering music from decades gone by. His platform Groove Anthology is a product of Kirollus’ love of connecting people through music and dance with the goal of increasing the opportunities for the many overlooked DJs in the industry. The last 12 months has seen Kirollus at festivals all across
the UK and headlining shows throughout Italy, The Netherlands and other parts of Europe, including a dynamic b2b with Detroit legend Marcellus Pittman in Geneva.
At his long-awaited Japan debut, he will surely give the finest selection to the Tokyo crowd.
Kirollus will be joined by TRAKS BOYS, the popular duo behind DK SOUND and who are known for their alternative activities. Eita Godo, who had invited Floating Points, Hunee and Mr. G for his party KEWL at VENT, will be also on the decks. They all play the special vinyl only sets.